R-evolution: Master R one bite at a time


Nien Xiang Tou

Image generated by generative AI.


Welcome to the R-evolution, young Jedi.

R is an open-source programme language that was originally created primarily for statistical analysis. Beyond statistics, it is a powerful tool for people who work with data and offers a myraid of other usage such as data wrangling, data visualisation and creating dashboards, websites, presentations, and parameterised reports.

This is a personal project that aims to introduce the fundamentals of R to individuals new to programming. The content are structured in bite sizes, each focusing on a specific small topic to allow you to gradually build your understanding of R programming language syntax. It is also designed with hands-on exercise to facilitate interactive learning.

This is a work in progress and content will be added progressively.

Set up

This project is powered by WebR, allowing you to write and execute code directly within the webpage. There’s no need to install any software to follow along with the project content. If you can view this page, you’re all set to begin!


It will be highly recommended to install R and RStudio on your laptop to facilitate further independent learning. You may find out more about the software installation here.
