Personal Projects

Please find my personal projects below.

R-evolution: Master R one bite at a time

Image generated by generative AI.

R is an open-source programme language that was originally created primarily for statistical analysis. Beyond statistics, it is a powerful tool for people who work with data and offers a myraid of other usage such as data wrangling, data visualisation and creating dashboards, websites, presentations, and parameterised reports. This project is a work in progress targeted at individuals new to programming. It aims to introduce the fundamentals of R in bite sizes through interactive learning powered by WebR.

Shiny Application: Reference Values of Physical Performance for Singaporean Adult Population

Physical function often deteriorates with age, and such decline is associated with adverse health outcomes. Physical performance tests are valid, easily administered and economical assessments that allow individuals to evaluate their physical function with minimal resources. I created a shiny web application that informs users on age- and sex-specific reference values of five physical performance tests based on the Yishun Study. You may read more about this project in my blog post.